2023 Sep 4 7 min read
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While you might be inclined to think that mucked cards imply something dirty or have negative connotations when you play poker, it isn’t what you think it is.

As you will see in the next section, these are essentially discarded cards that are thrown into the pile of unwanted cards into the middle of the table during betting rounds.


So, if you are to muck or muck your hand, that means you will throw away a number of discarded cards that are hole cards into the rest of the pile on the poker table.

Many poker players will resort to folding their hands if they feel they have a bad beat or they aren’t happy with the hand they have received in a game.

However, once a player throws away any discarded or burned cards, they can’t take them back. The folded hand or disused cards will be planted face down before the dealer deals fresh cards.

And remember, you should only muck on your turn. You shouldn’t let other players catch wind of your intention of getting rid of mucked cards until it’s your time to do so during a betting round.

Failure to do so is deemed at many online poker sites to be a serious breach of conduct, and you could be banned from a betting round, or worse still, not making future hands in the game in question.

In the following section, we will take a closer look at the concept of muck in poker, and explain what you need to be aware of, whether you are playing at online poker sites or throwing yourself in the deep end participating in poker tournaments.


Now, you have seen what the muck refers to, perhaps it is best to run through a few rules, as you want to cultivate a positive image of yourself during live poker games rather than be brandished as someone who shows extremely bad etiquette.

Firstly, you need to muck your cards correctly. If you are playing a live poker game, then you can toss the card or cards face down into the muck pile or discard pile, and inform the dealer of your intentions. The dealer will then mark or make a fold in the card as a way to show the card is no longer active in the game.

As we touched on before, you should only muck in a game when it is your turn to play, and not before. Otherwise, if a player folds prematurely, it is akin to cheating as a player may be trying to gain an unfair advantage. As such, there will be an anti-cheating rule in place in poker rooms designed to forbid players from doing so.

Naturally, poker is quite stringent with its rules. So, if you were accidentally mucking or accidentally exposed to a card, this card won’t be returned to you as the other players around the table will have seen it. So, make sure you pay attention when you muck your hand, and only muck if you are convinced you have a losing hand. This is a common part of mucking strategy.

Oh, and with the muck in poker, you should always be aware of an auto muck in games. Many online poker rooms will have a time limit for playing hands. So, if you take too long, you will automatically have to muck your hand. Mucking in poker is taken seriously, and you don’t want to contravene the rules.


Let’s now explore what a muck in poker consists of. We have illustrated this using some bullet points below:

  • Like the fold – Mucked cards resemble making a fold during card games and unused cards are thrown into the muck pile.
  • Verbal confirmation – A poker player must make clear their intentions to the deal they want to chuck their cards into the poker muck. This should be done by handing over the card or cards face down and only on their turn when they play.
  • Marked cards – The burn cards that have been handed over face down will be marked with a pen or kept in the muck pile which will be a sign to any other player that one or more cards are dead, and no longer part of the game.
  • Auto muck – Those who play poker may be forced into an auto muck playing online if they take too long trying to work out whether they have a winning hand before they reveal their cards.


If you are after some tips for mucking in poker, then the following will be useful for seasonal as well as more advanced players:

Don’t show a winning hand too early

  • Ideally, you should only muck your hand if you are convinced you won’t fare well come the later streets or showdown. Few players seem to realise this.

Don’t attempt the big bluff

  • A bluff can sound appealing when you start playing poker. But it can be easy to fall into certain traps. Bluff when it is necessary or else you could be outfoxed by other poker players who genuinely have a bigger hand.


You probably ought to muck your hand if you feel that you have a weak hand, and you have a very slim chance of winning a game.

Although those who love playing poker will consider folding or mucking in live cash games as being a sign of weakness, if anything, it shows a sign of maturity and that you can understand hand histories when yo come to take your turn.

Another prime reason to throw folded cards into the muck pile, is if you are a beginner. Novices tend to be much looser with their ranges, and they are more prone to making mistakes.

To save you heartache down the line, and you aren’t an experienced poker player, discarding mucked cards can be beneficial.


There are times when there is value to folding when you are playing poker which we have discussed below:

After an aggressive action

Many poker players aren’t immune to being over-aggressive during the pre-flop stage, but sometimes, they can lose position.

As opposed to an accidental muck from other players on the board, some poker players will muck if they feel they could get outplayed later down the line.

When out of range

If you are risk averse when you play, you may choose to be tighter with your cards. However, the antithesis of this is when you are out of range and you try to make big bets.

Therefore, if you think you are out of range, take a step back when you play, or better still, throw your mucked cards if you are worried about losing large sums of cash.


We have now described some of the core facets of mucked poker cards which should prove to be useful.

The slide

  • Instead of pushing your folded card, you will spread your cards face down apart and slide them towards the dealer. Arguably, this is a safe mucking style.

The push

  • This is also a popular way to muck in poker. The cards touch and you will use your fingertips to do so in a light and controlled manner. You are also allowed to announce you are folding as you push.

The toss

  • This is eminently harder than the other two techniques! Poker means being discreet, and with the toss, you or other players will gently toss unused cards into the pile sitting in the centre of the table. However, we advise you to try practising this at home first before visiting a land-based casino.


Ok, let’s look at the muck rules, so you don’t accidentally muck if that isn’t your intention. This can also be viewed as a recap of what has been discussed earlier in this guide.

Only muck on your turn

  • Don’t be too eager to muck your cards, especially when it isn’t your turn. Online poker rooms don’t take too kindly to it and you could be defaulted if you attempt to do so. If anything, mucking when it’s not your go is poor manners.

Don’t take back a muck

  • Accidentally folding can happen. But if there is a card dead in the centre of the table, you can’t go back on your original action. The mucked cards remain mucked!


There are a few ways that you can muck you cards when you play at poker sites, and we have described below how you can do so.

  • Auto mucking – As mentioned, when playing online, you can be penalised for being too slow. With the auto mucking feature turned on, this will facilitate faster gameplay. You can also choose to disable the “auto mucking” feature, but if you intend to muck, then this might render this feature pointless.
  • Doing so with a slide or push – The push and slide notions for mucking at online sites are very similar. There will usually be an option if playing live dealer games online where you will be able to press a button if you are in the small or big blind, which will alert the dealer of your intentions as well as keep the other player of any action that may occur.


The concept of muck, as we have seen, is a fascinating one and it shouldn’t be underestimated. This muck guide has attempted to provide a broad overview of techniques and good practises, so that you don’t get accused of cheating.

While more advanced players will be well versed in how to muck effectively, this is something you should start early on when you play a game.

You should try and get into good habits and know the art of mucking, so that you can do so in a way that benefits you in said rounds of betting.

If you have found this guide useful, then make sure you take what you have learned and apply it to your next online poker game. Above all else, gamble responsibly!

⭐ What is auto mucking?

Auto mucking is exactly as it sounds! If this feature is enabled while playing online, then you will have to show your mucked hand instantly. This will be the case when you are the last to act on the later streets, and you are folding your cards. Having auto mucking is designed to stop slow play.

⭐ What if I have a losing hand?

If you have a losing hand, then the auto mucking feature will come into play, and inevitably you will lose money, as you will be trumped by non-mucked players who will have stronger hands that are still active.

⭐ Is it worth mucking your cards against your opponents?

Yes and no. Well, there are a couple of schools of thought on this subject. Mucking your cards against your opponents if you are a novice player is worthwhile. If you stay too long in the game, you could be caught out of position by more experienced players who could produce a straight flush or royal flush, and even though you could lose your entire rake, it could be beneficial to muck earlier rather than later. That said, mucking can be a sign of weakness. If you fold too early, you could end up having a stronger hand than you first anticipated, and you will end up kicking yourselves if you decide to muck following the conclusion of a pre-flop or post-flop stage, as you will relinquish the chance to get your hands on the pot.

⭐ What needs to happen so I don't have to show and muck my cards?

In online poker, there is rarely a time when you won't have to show and muck your cards. However, perhaps the only time it might be permitted is if you switch on the auto mucking feature at your chosen casino site. By doing this, you won't be required to manually show if you come under threat from a poker fish.

⭐ Is there a penalty for not showing cards after checking?

Not always, but this can be a complicated subject. If the fault lies with players who are dealing cards during cash games, then the game will be scrapped, and no penalty will be given. If the player fails to show after checking, some casinos might take a dim view on the matter, but ultimately is at the discretion of the operator as to what the type of punishment should be handed out.