Are you about to sit at your very first poker table but only have the basics down? Well, you’re in luck because we’re about to take a look at poker table positions. But what do table positions have to do with anything?
Well, each seat at the table has drastically different strategies, especially when playing games like Texas hold ‘em. The way starting hands are played is very dependent on positioning, and you’ll even understand what odds are stacked against you.
With good knowledge of table positioning, you’ll be able to maximise the strength of your hand and even potentially turn it into a profitable one. Keep reading to find out how the cutoff position can give you an advantage during a typical game of poker.
The cutoff (CO) seat is positioned to the direct right of the button/dealer. At this seat, the player will act fourth from last in the pre-flop and last in the post-flop unless it is playing against the dealer button. It is important to note that the cutoff will be in position in the post-flop.
The cutoff seat is arguably the second-best position and the most profitable seat at the table after the button. There are still debates as to where it gets its name from, but there are two theories:
- The cutoff seat is used to cut the card for the dealer after the shuffle.
- This position has the option to ‘cut off’ the dealer by earning an open raise before the button has the chance to act.
In a Texas hold ‘em poker game, the order of each position is the small blind, big blind, under-the-gun, cutoff and button — the dealer will act after the button.
- Because of this set-up, the cutoff seat has the upper hand against its opponents as the player will be able to see how every other player will play their hand, with only three players betting after the cutoff.
- If previous players decide to fold, the cutoff is a good position to call or raise to intimidate the button, small blind and big blind to fold as well — and in doing so, stealing the blinds.
- If the cutoff player holds a strong hand and every other person at the table has folded, choosing to raise is a very good idea.
The cutoff player is probably in the best position to play marginally-strong poker hands, especially in comparison to earlier positions.
- However, although cutoff players are able to play a looser game, this does not necessarily mean that other players aren’t aware of this.
- Opposing players will assume the cutoff player will bet and play more aggressively, so this position doesn’t really have the element of surprise on its side.
A strategy is always essential when playing poker. Here are a few tips you can add to your tool kit when playing in the cutoff poker position:
- The best scenario is when the action gets folded around to the cutoff pre-flop, allowing the cutoff to open raise and steal.
- The cutoff is a good position to play aggressively. It is recommended to raise to about 27% of your bankroll.
- The CO successfully steals if both blinds and the button fold.
- Not getting action from the button is preferable, as this implies the cutoff will be out of position post-flop.
- The CO also has the option to attack an open raise from earlier positions with a cold call method or a 3bet technique.
In general, the cutoff is an excellent position to be in when betting in poker, so defend it and maximise your profits. Just remember to have a good bankroll management strategy to match your cutoff playing technique to safeguard your funds as much as possible.
On average, the player in the cutoff position will likely bet and play more aggressively, being in the most advantageous seat with the exception of the button. Expect the blinds to be challenged as if every other player folds; this puts the cutoff in an even better position.
So, what sort of hands can you play in this poker position? Being seated in such a late position, players will have a much larger range than others. Check out some possible playable hands:
- A4s
- K3s
- J8o
- 97o
- Q9o
- 22s
It is always a good idea to keep poker charts handy as you play — you never know when you might need the extra boost!
If we had to put our final thoughts into one sentence, it would be that this poker position is arguably one of the best to play in, as it allows you to attack players in early positions. Because of the diminishing respect for button raises, the cutoff might overtake the button seat as the best seat in the house.
Poker is one of the most popular casino games in the world, and with little complexities like this, it’s hard not to see why. Defend this position the best you can, especially when in a tournament, as it offers the best chance of winning the pot.
It is called the cutoff because everyone folds to you, AND you can choose to ‘cut off’ the button’s favourable position.
When betting at a land-based casino, this person will be seated to the right of the button and the left of the hijack. It is considered to be a late position rather than a middle position.