2024 Jan 25 7 min read
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Baccarat strategies have been coming to light steadily over the years. Casino players are generally attracted to the prospect of increasing their odds of winning and forcing the element of luck into the backseat.

Some argue that even the best baccarat strategies are futile, with the element of luck being the sole driving factor when it comes to a winning wager.

In this post, we’ll have a look at what some claim to be the best baccarat strategy out there: the pattern strategy.


Baccarat patterns refer to the recurring sequences of outcomes during a game.

These patterns can be observed in the results of individual hands, with players attempting to identify trends to make smart bets.

These patterns include streaks of outcomes of both the Player and the Banker wins and the frequency of ties.

The strategy is based on the that certain patterns may influence the likelihood of specific outcomes, allowing players to capitalise on them and land more bet wins.

While some players swear by the existence of these patterns, it’s crucial to approach them with the understanding that baccarat’s inherent randomness may limit the predictability of outcomes.

After all, there are only three possible outcomes in (online) baccarat, so there is a good chance that some outcomes will be repeated over your time at a baccarat table.


Despite claims of a secret pattern in Baccarat, it’s essential to approach such assertions with skepticism. The game’s unpredictability and reliance on chance make it challenging to identify a foolproof pattern that guarantees success.

Players should view any proclaimed secret patterns as speculative and not solely rely on them for making strategic decisions during gameplay.

The best course of action is to evaluate your own experience while placing low-house-edge bets, which would only require a small bankroll.


Recognizing patterns in baccarat involves a meticulous analysis of the scorecard, identifying streaks, and discerning the prevailing trend.

While players may observe patterns, it’s crucial to understand that baccarat outcomes are not predetermined, and each hand is independent of the previous ones.

Successful pattern recognition requires a balance between historical analysis and an acknowledgment of the game’s inherent randomness.

The baccarat bets consist of Banker bets, Player bets and tie bets. Winning Banker bets is all about the 45.86% chance that the Banker bet wins. The Player bet has a similar probability of winning (44.62%), while the tie bet has just a 9.52% chance of winning.

Therefore, the Player and the Banker hand have roughly equal chances of winning, so it is pretty hard to conclude that either hand is following a pattern when winning.

After all, a winning streak or losing streak between two (almost) equal probabilities isn’t much of a pattern to consider.


We we’ve mentioned earlier, finding patterns in casino games like baccarat is very challenging, owing to its luck-based nature. Nevertheless, here are some general pointers to consider if you’re determined to try:

  • Scorecard Tracking: Keep a detailed scorecard to record outcomes, noting down the type of win (be it from a Banker bet, Player bet, or tie bet). Additionally, pay attention to the specific cards dealt in each hand, as some players believe certain card combinations contribute to discernible patterns.
  • Identify Streaks: Pay attention to a possible winning streak by either the Banker or Player, as streaks can influence future outcomes. It’s crucial to distinguish between short-term fluctuations and genuine patterns, as over-reliance on short-term trends may lead to misinformed decisions.
  • Analyse Results: Regularly analyse the scorecard to identify emerging patterns. Look for patterns related to specific card values, such as recurring pairs or sequences. While patterns may emerge, always maintain a degree of flexibility in your betting strategy, adapting to the ever-changing nature of the game.


Understanding how cards work in blackjack and spotting patterns can help you play the game better. In Blackjack, a deck of cards is used, and each card has a value. You try to get a hand with cards that add up to 21 points without going over.

Now, when it comes to recognising patterns, some players pay attention to the cards dealt in previous hands. For example, if there have been a lot of low cards dealt, some players might think there’s a better chance of getting higher cards in the next few hands. It’s like keeping track of what cards have been used to guess what might come next.

However, it’s important to know that blackjack is also a bit random, and past cards don’t always predict future ones. So, while recognising patterns can be helpful, it’s not a surefire way to win every time. It’s just one thing to think about when you’re playing blackjack.


Implementing pattern recognition techniques in Baccarat can influence the theoretical house edge, at least in the short term.

By adjusting bets based on identified patterns, players may experience temporary success.

However, it’s crucial to recognise that the house edge persists, and long-term profitability depends on using a betting system that makes recouping lost bets possible.


Choosing to bet on the Banker’s hand when you play baccarat is often considered a strategic move, especially when players observe patterns favouring the Banker.

But remember, even if you notice these patterns, the game can still be a bit unpredictable. It’s like using a map to help you find your way, but the map might not always lead you exactly where you expect.

So, while it’s smart to pay attention to patterns, it’s also important not to depend too much on just one way of betting. Keep in mind that baccarat can surprise you, and being flexible in your choices is a good strategy for the game.


Pattern recognition is undeniably a component of baccarat betting strategies, but it should not be viewed in isolation.

Successful baccarat players integrate pattern recognition with other strategic elements, such as disciplined bankroll management and an understanding of the odds of winning each bet.

A well-rounded strategy maximises the chances of success in the game, and this goes for any game you play at gambling sites.

We will talk more about what betting systems you can go for later on in this post.


The effectiveness of the pattern strategy in baccarat remains a subject of debate. While some players claim success through pattern recognition, others argue that baccarat’s inherent randomness limits the reliability of this strategy.

Players should approach pattern recognition as a supplementary tool within a broader strategic framework rather than a guaranteed path to consistent wins.

In games like baccarat, where luck reigns supreme, players are better off if they start playing baccarat games with a specific betting system in mind, where the best odds of winning are selected.


Baccarat roads, displayed as scoreboards in online casinos, provide visual representations of past game outcomes.

Understanding these roads — such as the Big Road, Small Road, and Cockroach Road — enhances pattern recognition.

Players playing at an online casino can use these tools to track historical trends and make more informed betting decisions.

  • Big Road: The Big Road is a comprehensive grid that displays the outcomes of each hand in a sequential format. Each cell in the grid represents a single hand, with icons indicating whether it was a Banker win, Player win, or tie. Patterns, streaks, and trends are more accessible to identify on the Big Road due to its detailed representation.
  • Small Road: As a continuation of the Big Road, the Small Road condenses the representation of outcomes into a more compact format. The Small Road maintains the sequential order of hands, making it easier for players to spot patterns without the level of detail found in the Big Road. It serves as a quick reference for ongoing trends.
  • Cockroach Road: The Cockroach Road provides a highly detailed representation of individual hands, offering a granular view of each outcome. This road is particularly useful for advanced pattern recognition, allowing players to identify subtleties in the distribution of wins and losses. While less commonly used than the Big and Small Roads, the Cockroach Road provides a more intricate analysis for seasoned players.

Many online casinos feature the Big Road above the rest. Its comprehensive grid format, displaying the outcomes of each hand in sequential order, makes it easy for players to identify patterns, streaks, and trends.


Distinguishing between pattern recognition and betting patterns is crucial for a holistic understanding of Baccarat strategy. While pattern recognition involves identifying trends and sequences in the outcomes of the game, betting patterns pertain to a player’s strategic approach to wagering. Here’s a deeper exploration of both concepts:

Here’s some information about pattern recognition:

  • Observation of Trends: Pattern recognition in Baccarat involves observing streaks, sequences, and recurring outcomes over a series of hands. Players analyze historical data, often using scorecards or Baccarat roads, to identify potential patterns that may influence future results.
  • Informing Strategic Decisions: Successful pattern recognition informs a player’s decisions on betting on the Banker, Player, or adjust the size of their bets based on perceived trends. However, it’s essential to remember that while patterns can be observed, they do not guarantee future outcomes due to the game’s inherent randomness.

Here’s some information about betting patterns:

  • Strategic Wagering Approach: Betting patterns encompass the systematic approach a player takes when placing wagers. This includes decisions on the size of bets, when to increase or decrease wagers, and the types of bets placed (Banker, Player, or tie).
  • Disciplined Bankroll Management: Betting patterns extend to how a player manages their bankroll, ensuring that bets align with a predetermined strategy and risk tolerance. Disciplined bankroll management is crucial for long-term success in Baccarat.
  • Integrating with Pattern Recognition: While distinct, betting patterns and pattern recognition often intersect. A well-rounded Baccarat strategy involves integrating observed patterns into a player’s overall betting approach, creating a symbiotic relationship between understanding trends and making strategic wagers.

Interested in trying some advanced betting systems for your baccarat games? Let’s discuss some of them here.

These systems can broadly be categorised into a positive progressive system and a negative progression system. A positive betting system involves increasing bets after wins, aiming to capitalise on winning streaks and maximise profits.

Examples include the Paroli (Reverse-Martingale) system. In this system, players start with the first bet and double their next wager if they win. If the next wager (third bet) loses, the next bet size must revert to the initial bet. The fourth bet (and so on) will depend on the success or failure of the bet preceding it.

On the other hand, negative progression systems involve increasing bets after losses, with the expectation that a winning outcome will eventually occur to recoup losses. The Martingale system is a classic example. In the Martingale strategy, players double the size of the previous bet after each loss.

When playing around with the (Split) Martingale system, or baccarat strategies in general, it’s important to go for the safest bet (betting on the Banker’s hand) and not the tie bet. Betting on the Banker’s hand offers the most favorable odds with the best payout percentage in (online) baccarat, whereas tie bets offer much worse chances of winning compared to Banker bets. It’s important to only bet on the Banker hand (or at most, the Player’s) for the best return of your money.

If you want to find the best baccarat strategy, you can try many variants; not just traditional baccarat games. Mini baccarat tables, Speed Baccarat and the traditional Baccarat en Banque are all good options; as is sports betting, if that’s your thing! Simply be mindful of the table limit with regard to the baccarat games, and always practise responsible gambling.


The live setting introduces an additional layer of complexity, where the human element becomes a crucial factor in decision-making. Observing subtle nuances, such as the dealer’s demeanour and interaction with players, can provide valuable insights.

Adapting to the real-time dynamics of a live game not only refines a player’s traditional pattern recognition skills but also allows them to react quickly to any emerging trends or shifts in the game’s rhythm.

This increased level of engagement makes for an enriched gaming experience, where strategic decisions are influenced by a blend of traditional pattern recognition and quick real-time observations.

If you want to play baccarat casino games live, check out EnergyCasino’s portfolio and kickstart your journey! The best way to find the best strategy or betting pattern for you is to try some games out for yourself.


Pattern strategy in baccarat adds an intriguing layer to the game, allowing players to engage in a more analytical approach, even if it is completely anecdotal.

However, it’s essential to recognise the limitations of pattern recognition in a game fundamentally driven by chance. Combining pattern recognition with a well-rounded strategy, understanding the house edge, and practising disciplined bankroll management will help you enjoy baccarat greatly, so don’t go down the rabbit hole of pattern-chasing!

Baccarat is mostly a game of luck, so patterns don’t always predict what will happen next. It’s important to know that just looking for patterns might not guarantee winning.

⭐ Does knowing baccarat patterns help you win?

Understanding baccarat patterns can inform your betting decisions, but it does not guarantee consistent wins. Baccarat remains a game of chance, and patterns should be viewed as a supplemental tool rather than a surefire strategy.

⭐ What does the baccarat sure-win formula mean?

There is no universally accepted sure-win formula in baccarat. Claims of such formulas should be approached with caution, as the game's randomness makes it impossible to find such a perfect baccarat strategy.

⭐ Is there a formula for winning in baccarat?

There isn't a secret formula that guarantees you will always win in baccarat. Baccarat is a game where luck plays a big part, and the results are quite random. People might talk about strategies or patterns, but it's important to understand that these are not surefire ways to win every time.

Unfortunately, there's no magic formula to always predict the outcome. The best thing you can do is enjoy the game, be cautious with your bets, and understand that winning or losing in baccarat is mostly a matter of chance.

⭐ Is it possible to count cards in baccarat?

While card counting is commonly associated with blackjack, it is challenging to implement in the game of baccarat due to its simplicity and reliance on chance. Baccarat's unique dealing process also limits the effectiveness of traditional card-counting techniques.