
Frequently asked questions


How come I’ve been declined access to a promotion or offer?

Certain promotions will only be available to players from selected countries, or using a specific payment method. Information regarding restrictions will be provided with each promotion, but if you’re still unsure you can always contact our Customer Support Team.

How do I check that I have met the requirements for a promotion?

You can check all your bonus information by selecting ‘My account’, and then ‘Details’ underneath your Bonus Balance.

When I use a bonus, is my choice of games restricted?

Most bonuses come with certain restrictions regarding which games they can be used for. Information will be provided with each promotion.

Where can I see the current and upcoming promotions?

Just select Promotions from the main menu. There’s also a Tournaments page, giving information about all the upcoming tourneys.

You still have a question?

If you cannot find answer to your question in our FAQ, you
can always contact us. We will answer to you shortly!

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